Friday, November 30, 2012

Casual Fridays

Let me be clear: I work in Marketing, specifically on the Creative side of the spectrum. So, the expectation of my work attire is pretty low. When I began working for my new company, I asked about the dress code. The answer was a puzzled look followed with, "Uh...don't wear shorts."
Yes- Geek Chic is an actual trend.

Lucky for everyone in the office, I like to keep a business casual vibe. Dress pants or jeans, along w/ tops, cardis, scarves, jackets...whatever. Sometimes I wear converse (gasp!). But Friday? Oh, my lovely Fridays. They are all about empowering my freedom of nerdy expression.

After just a couple of months, even the receptionist would say every Friday morning, "Oh! It must be Friday. She's wearing a Friday Shirt!" That translates to: Check out the weird Harry Potter/Marvel/DC Comics/Kung Fu shirt I'm sporting. I do not have a large disposable income, so when I do purchase a "Friday" shirt, I try to make it cheeky & original. For example, my Hunger Games tee simply says, "Mellark Bakery." Subtle, yet in my mind- Brilliant!

Super-hero style ring?
Modern Wonder Woman Cuff?
Then I put my own little spin on casual. It's not called Sloppy Fridays (that's another post). I might be rockin' my Buddha Sketchers & a quirky shirt, but I make sure I've got makeup on, am wearing cute accessories, and my hair doesn't look like I just rolled out of hibernation. Why? It just makes me feel better. I might be casual, but I still feel put-together. I'm NO runway model, but I want to look the best I can.

What's your Casual Friday like? Feel free to sound off or ask any questions. And don't forget to hit up my boutique: House of Josefina for your Geek Chic accessories. 'Tis the season! Make your Fridays...and other days just that much brighter.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sharing Memories with Accessories

In light of a recent family tragedy, I've been thinking about those little things we hold dear. Not just the relationships. That is, of course, the most important thing we can possess- links to one another. But as a light fades, and life slips away, the living are often left with little mementos of loved ones.

My "Love" Necklace.:)

I have a ridiculous amount of jewelry. A little of it is fine jewelry. Much of it would be considered mere baubles. But many things hold special significance. The silver necklace I bought in San Francisco China Town with a friend which symbolizes Love. The over-the-top cocktail earrings & matching brooch a friend "lent" me 23 years ago. The Tree of Life earrings my sister gave my mom, daughter & I for Christmas last year. The delicate ribbon scarf my mom wove for me. The world might not lend much value to these items, but to me they are irreplaceable.

Bow earrings to reminder someone of your love?.
As I look, touch these items, it makes me feel like I have a connection to the people and things I love. That connection magically brings to life wonderful, funny, outrageous memories. It prompts over-due phone calls and late night texts full of "LOLs".

Winged necklace to remember dreams to be chased.
While its nice to have fine things. I know the most important things in life are NOT things, but the loving thoughts we associate with them.

As you do your Christmas shopping, think about not just purchasing a gift, but about telling a story and sharing something meaningful. I think it makes the gifts that much richer.

If you DO happen to be in a shopping mood, please remember to hit up my online boutique: House of Josefina. Free shipping through the end of year, a gift with every $50 purchase and maybe a chance to create some memories for your loved ones.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tie One On!

Men's wear is for ladies, too!
Confession: I like a little flare of men's wear in a woman's wardrobe. I think given the right flare, the correct setting, it can totally be pulled off. Look at the popularity of "boyfriend jeans" and "boyfriend cardis." More daring to me, is neck-wear.

I received a tie from the last company I worked for. It was a left-over from an event we had hosted. I've had it for nearly 2 years. And has sat in a box, in my closet. Every now and again as I dig for something in the depths of said closet, I would open up the pristine white box, stare and sigh. If only I could figure out how to wear the pretty tie. Being chubby, I can honestly say button down shirts are not necessarily my thing. What to do?!

The gorgeous Diane Kruger.
The stars must have aligned for me. A couple of weeks ago I grabbed the tie, cut off the tags, threw on a jacket & headed to work with the hopes of being able to tie it. I have to admit- I was freaking giddy all day long. I worked the crap out of that tie. I'll even wear it again.

The Doctor knows best.
Next up on my list: sport a bow tie. Why, you ask? Well because according to The Doctor, "Bow ties are cool." Duh! Yes, I'm a proud nerd and Doctor Who fan (Whovian, if you will).

Bow tie for the wrist! Click here to buy.
Sparkly bow ties are cool too. Find it here.
Until the day when I find a suitable bow tie, I would chime in that accessories are a great way to baby step into more traditional accoutrements. Check out these sparkly things! And throw a tie into your wardrobe. I dare you!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Beauty Is In The Eye...Of You

Artwork by Kandinsky. Beauty or Lines?
We all have heard the time-worn adage: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." To a certain extent, that is a true statement. We all see and perceive different things when we observe the same objects and people. One person can look at a painting and think it is the most enchanting thing in the world. The next person in line might see just squiggly lines.

I have come to believe that in regards to personal style- beauty is in our own eyes. In order to see beauty in ourselves, we must first believe we are beautiful. And I think some habits and  rituals play into our feelings about our own beauty.

In this day and age women (and girls!) are especially bombarded with messages of what is beautiful, what is accepted, what is "the norm." That is well and good if you are the .03% of the world population who looks like a Victoria's Secret model. But for those of us who are "average," what do we see as composing our beauty?

For me, it comes from 3 sources.
  • First and foremost I believe we emit beauty from the inside out. The better we are as human beings- the more beautiful we become. I've met some exceedingly pretty people, who have turned out to be as ugly as pestilence. My belief is who we are at our core, what is in our hears is that which makes us beautiful. 
  • The second thing that makes me beautiful is my routine. I have a skin care regime, I believe in preventative measures (sunscreen, no smoking, clean living). I also am a firm believer in quality cosmetics. We can discuss types & brands in another. But what I'm getting at is- my own personal efforts are what make me feel beautiful.
  • Finally, a personal sense of style goes a long way in the beauty stakes. I grew up in a poor family and have absolutely NO shame about that. I learned at a young age you can always individualize your clothes and accessories, regardless of your budget or station in life. Its in the details- a sassy pair of earrings you found on clearance, a thrift store blouse, the scarf you borrowed from your neighbor. 
If you happen to question your sense of beauty or worth, stop right here and repeat after me: I AM beautiful and loved. You really and truly are! If you're not feeling up to par, take a look at the things you have power over.  And remember to never give that power over you to anyone.